
Japanese politics and our hard tough road

Today Japanese diet will be dissolved and next election will be held in December 16. Before DPJ rule current diet, almost all ages, LDP had been ruling Japanese politics after WW2. At the previous election, many Japanese, including me, think that breaking super long term regime brings solutions to our tremendous problems, such as economic, labor and aging society. Now some are better and some are worse. We found only blaming politicians and change prime minister does not work any more.

Here is Murakami Ryu's 2009 Op-ed:
The days when everything worked like a dream and everyone’s standard of living kept rising are over, and have been for a long time. Now that there is no longer enough money, the Japanese public has to make some hard choices.
We are on the middle of hard and tough road. We still have a lot many hard choices now.  In this hard reality, I think I should return to the simple basic, get things done one by one.

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