
BPStudy#36 Jeamamy & Beproud-bot (Part1)

Last Friday, I attended BPStudy#36 meeting.
It have been held by BeProud once a month through 3 years.(Great!)
In #36, we have two presentation, Jiemamy by @daisuke_m and Beproud-bot by @haru860

Jiemamy is based on "Evolutionary Database Design" concepts.(Martin Fowler) Jiemamy supplies not only ER diagram drawing tool but also management scheme of modifing Databases.

Uncontrollabe parts of an application
Applications normally includes many uncontrollabe parts.(Runtime, Database software and Environmental variables) Automation and documentation are keys to manage these uncontrollabe parts. Jiemamy helps that.

Apache Maven
Apache Maven gives your software management easier. It is Based on the concept of a project object model (POM).
Maven-jiemamy-plugin is available. It makes SQL query from Jiemamy Model automatically.

Version Control
Sometimes, a database schema is not included in a repository. That makes troubles. Jiemamy aims to make the database schema controlable unified designs.

DRY(Don't repeat yourself)
Jiemamy respects the DRY concept. ER diagram, SQL query, database design description should be unified.The DRY concept is a rule. Sometimes, we can't follow the rule. So, we'll break the rule, CAREFULLY.

Demo presented by @regtan.

Jiemamy is OSS
Jiemamy community uses Atlassian's software. (Hudson, too)

Continue to Part2.

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