
New version Amazon Kindle supports Japanese characters

Now, I review new version Amazon Kindle.

  • 21% smaller body while keeping the same 6" size reading area
  • High-Contrast E-Ink Screen
  • Support Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), and Korean characters.
  • Built-In Wi-Fi.

Please check my review video.



Now, I am writing session reports which I listened last week.

In sessions, I hear the Japanese word "Mieru-ka". I know that word is "見える化(Mieru-Ka)" meaning "Vidualization" in English. But, the speaker says "観える化(Mieru-Ka)、看える化(Mieru-Ka)、視える化(Mieru-Ka)、見える化(Mieru-Ka)、診える化(Mieru-Ka)" at same time. Oh, No. Do you understand? These means are "having a bird's‐eye view", "expressing", "close observation", "vidualization" and "diagnosis". Mieru-ka is popular word in Japan. But, you use this word carefully, or you will mislead your counter partners.

Japanese language uses Chinese characters. So, there are many homonym. That gives funny word play in a kindergarten, and traps in business world.


BPStudy#36 Jeamamy & Beproud-bot (Part2)

Previous article is Part1.

Beproud-bot is a bot program which sends useful information to Skype's group. Sometime, meaningless information.When Beproud-bot catches the information from Mercurial, Trac, Nagios, It post a message via Skype API.

Praise points
John++ : Increment John's praise points.
Jane-- : Decrement Jane's praise points.
Praise points is an appearance of member's appreciate feelings. If someone was late for a meeting, he/she may receive --. If someone finish works on time, he/she may receive ++.

Human-like comment
If the bot recived some commands, it retern a human-like comment. it has personality, funny, serious etc. It brings a little laugh to us. A little laugh is oil of our conversation.

Skype-Centered Development
With Beproud-bot, we realize Skype-Centered Development. We use Skype more than E-mail.

Source code
Beproud-bot is built with django. You can see source code. Please try from the repository.

My opinion
It is my first time to join BPStudy meeting. Both presentations are very amazing.
Thanks for staffs and speakers.


BPStudy#36 Jeamamy & Beproud-bot (Part1)

Last Friday, I attended BPStudy#36 meeting.
It have been held by BeProud once a month through 3 years.(Great!)
In #36, we have two presentation, Jiemamy by @daisuke_m and Beproud-bot by @haru860

Jiemamy is based on "Evolutionary Database Design" concepts.(Martin Fowler) Jiemamy supplies not only ER diagram drawing tool but also management scheme of modifing Databases.

Uncontrollabe parts of an application
Applications normally includes many uncontrollabe parts.(Runtime, Database software and Environmental variables) Automation and documentation are keys to manage these uncontrollabe parts. Jiemamy helps that.

Apache Maven
Apache Maven gives your software management easier. It is Based on the concept of a project object model (POM).
Maven-jiemamy-plugin is available. It makes SQL query from Jiemamy Model automatically.

Version Control
Sometimes, a database schema is not included in a repository. That makes troubles. Jiemamy aims to make the database schema controlable unified designs.

DRY(Don't repeat yourself)
Jiemamy respects the DRY concept. ER diagram, SQL query, database design description should be unified.The DRY concept is a rule. Sometimes, we can't follow the rule. So, we'll break the rule, CAREFULLY.

Demo presented by @regtan.

Jiemamy is OSS
Jiemamy community uses Atlassian's software. (Hudson, too)

Continue to Part2.