
Import mails on gmail into PostgreSQL server

I have received many emails from systems. Some are urgent alerts and some are just for my information. I wonder how does the trend of these alerts go so far. It is difficult to analyze the trend just on my mailbox so I  thought that it would be useful to import those mails into a local PostgreSQL server.

First, I enabled POP3 service on my gmail account, then I wrote some ruby code.
With some gems and ruby, I could do these task in handy.
require 'mail' #gem mail
require 'pg'   #gem pg

Mail.defaults do
  retriever_method :pop3, { 
    :address => "pop.gmail.com",
    :port => 995,
    :user_name => 'username',
    :password => 'password',
    :enable_ssl => true

# connect PostgreSQL server
db = PG.connect( :dbname => 'db_name', :user => 'db_user')

Mail.all.each do |email|
  $stderr.puts email.date.to_s # Output date of email
    # Japanese character sets are often undetected.
    # So I use Content-Type of email.
    if email.content_type =~ /ISO-2022-JP/i then
      body_str = email.body.to_s.encode("UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP")
      body_str = email.body.encoded
    # insert into PostgreSQL server
    db.exec "INSERT INTO mailbox ( dt, subject, body ) VALUES ($1,$2,$3);", [email.date.to_s, email.subject, body_str]
  rescue => ignore
    $stderr.puts "[error]:" + ignore.to_s

And this code needs two gems, pg and mail.
Those are installed in following commands.
(For Windows)
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc pg -- --with-pg-config="c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin\pg_config.exe"
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc mail
(For Linux)
sudo gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_config
sudo gem install mail

Now I have been importing mails. When it is finished, it is time to analyze. That is another story.

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